Order A Site Assessment Here.
Our most commonly asked question is - “How Many Units Can I Fit On My Site and What’s The Best Option For Me?”
Do you want to know what you can achieve or IF you can achieve a development on your site, or the site you’re about to buy? Our Site Assessment will give you peace of mind that you have a workable project and offer expert advice on the best option for you to get a great ROI. We will undertake the following:
Complete a site analysis with what is achievable on the site, including how many dwellings can fit;
Analyse any restrictions, including zoning and covenants, etc;
Provide you with a description of dwelling sizes and number of bedrooms;
Obtain a copy of your land title and assess all planning requirements;
Use all the above information to either offer you a letter of undertaking* or a service offer agreement.
Your Site Assessment is completed within 7 working days.
We assess sites all across Victoria only.
You can order a site assessment now for $195 inc GST, which could save you tens of thousands of dollars in mistakes.